Interview: Brennan Smiley of The Technicolors

This week we chatted with Brennan Smiley of The Technicolors, a rock band based out of Phoenix. In the latest installment of our interview series, Brennan discusses his musical background, the new album, and the influence of the Phoenix heat.

Twenty Two: Let’s start with the basics. Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

Brennan: I am a singer and guitar player in a rock & roll band. I am also of Welsh descent.

Twenty Two: Have you always been interested in music and performing?

Brennan: I became interested in performing music around the age of 13, but I’ve been obsessed with anything musically related since the age of 2, when I first started playing drums.

Twenty Two: How would you describe your sound?

Brennan: Our sound is very loud. Melodic and eclectic rock & roll that sounds familiar, but very fresh.

Twenty Two: What’s the process you go through when you’re working on new music?

Brennan: Anything goes. Sometimes I’ll bring a tune to the guys and we’ll work it out. Other times they just pop out of a sound check or a conversation over lunch.

Twenty Two: What can our readers expect to hear on your sophomore album, “Listener”?

Brennan: This is technically our debut, since our ‘first’ record was actually a solo project that we slapped the band name on before we released it. None of us (except for me) actually played on it. But readers, you can expect to hear a record that doesn’t take itself too seriously, and is full of big choruses, plenty of guitars, and an overall good time.

Twenty Two: The Technicolors played at SXSW this year. What did you get the most from this experience?

Brennan: We were able to pack out the club, plus a large crowd outside that were into it. We’ve never felt an energy like that before. It definitely lifted us up and reminded us why we’re doing this.

Twenty Two: Where do you find inspiration?

Brennan: Everywhere. Even bad songs on the radio. That’s where it gets fun. If you can write a good tune based on an awful lick you heard in a bad pop song, that’s a fun victory.

Twenty Two: Whose musical career would you like to emulate?

Brennan: Any of the guitar bands out there that aren’t afraid to be big and write big songs about
big things. We’re very inspired by that.

Twenty Two: How has living in Phoenix influenced your work?

Brennan: I love the desert, and I love the heat. It wears you down in the summer, which definitely reflects itself in our songwriting, whether we’re embracing it or trying to run the other way.

Twenty Two: When you’re not working on music, how do you spend your time?

Brennan: Completing online interviews. And working on more music (but seriously).

Twenty Two: What can we expect to see from you in the future?

Brennan: Songs that keep getting better and better. And louder. I promise.

A special thanks to Brennan for giving us the opportunity to learn more about his music. You can keep up with The Technicolors by checking out their websiteFacebookTwitter, and YouTube.

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