

To determine if you should continue reading this post, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Do you spend more time online than you’d like to admit?
  2. Do you want to give back, but don’t know how?

If you answered both in the affirmative, you may proceed. (If not, you can still continue. I don’t want to exclude anyone, after all. This isn’t high school.)

I’ve come up with a list of sites that make donating to causes incredibly easy. They’re so easy, in fact, that you don’t even need to leave the comfort of your seat. Whether it’s cursing on Twitter or joining a Groupon for Good, these sites make you feel extra good about things you’re already doing.

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While many New Years’ resolutions include exercising and quitting a slew of vices, let me propose adding a new, albeit belated, one to your list: eating ethically.

A few weeks ago, Restaurant Opportunities Centers United (or ROC United) put together a Diners’ Guide for the new year. As champions of improving the wages and conditions of food service workers, they have rated 150 of the nation’s most popular restaurants according to a variety of factors,
including tipped and non-tipped wages, paid sick days, and opportunities for advancement.

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Lace Up Sneaker by Suno

As an avid cyclist and a registered tomboy,* I make sure that my shoes are as flat as possible. Sure, I may put on some heels for a night on the town, but I definitely prefer a good pair of sneakers for daily wear. After hearing about the release of Suno’s sneaker line a few weeks ago, I wanted to track down other kicks that are easy on the eyes and do more than just turn a profit. In this post you’ll find a few brands you’ve heard of and some you haven’t. Prepare to help others, animals, or the planet in the easiest way possible: with the swipe of a credit card.

* You can register your tomboy-dom at the DMV. In return, you get a sticker on your license, like an organ donor.

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As big fans of recycling and repurposing old goods for new uses, there is little wonder why we chose PixelThis as the subject of this week’s Etsy Spotlight. Allan Young, the shop’s owner, has created a pretty decent selection of clocks made from mostly recycled materials. Some of the timepieces consist of old bicycle parts, turntables, and there’s even a computer hard drive or two. Who knew staring at the clock could be so enjoyable?

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